Theory Lisp  0.1.0
Theory Lisp

Theory Lisp is a programming language for simulating theoretical models of computation. Its syntax is similar to Scheme, but it has additional expressions specifically designed for describing automatons.

The language is dynamically typed, dynamically scoped, and interpreted. Code can be represented as data, and it is possible to dynamically generate and execute code at runtime. The interpeter uses a recursive descent parser. Arbitrary user-defined expressions (even expressions that does not have list form) can be used by extending the parser with macros. Both imperative macros and pattern matching macros are available. The language has built-in functions for string and list manipulation, math, and standard I/O. Exception handling is supported, but in a naive way.

In addition to commonly used functional and imperative Lisp forms, Theory Lisp provides special syntax for designing automatons. The syntax can be used for designing finite state machines, single-tape or multi-tape Turing machines and Markov chains. Composite machines can be constructed from simpler machines by using the smaller machines as base machines. The goal of the language is to be a self-contained tool for simulating automatons. The further development will be on adding different models of computation.


The documentation for built-in types, expressions, macros and functions is available at


The interpreter does not have any external dependencies, but Check is needed for unit tests and pkgconfig is used to detect it.

On Debian based systems,

sudo apt install libcheck


pkg install check pkgconf

On Mac OS X (only tested on very old OS X 10.5 PowerPC with tigerbrew),

brew install check pkgconfig


On Linux, BSD and macOS/Mac OSX following commands should compile and install Theory Lisp

autoreconf --install
make install
make check

It is recommended to use –prefix option in configure step to specify an installation directory that does not require root access. autoreconf is not needed when building from release tarball.


To start read-evaluate-print loop (REPL) without opening any program


To execute a Theory Lisp program


If the program does not explicitly exit at the end, the interpreter will start REPL. All global variables defined during the execution of the program are accessible in the REPL.

If REPL is not needed, use,

tlisp -x

The -x option disables REPL, so that the interpreter always exits when the program finishes.

REPL currently does not support entering multi-line code.

Example Code

Summation in modulo 2 using a finite automaton

(include "")
(include "")
(define mod2sum
(q0:R {(set! result 0)}
({= 0} . q0)
({= 1} . q1)
({= blank} . halt))
(q1:R {(set! result 1)}
({= 0} . q1)
({= 1} . q0)
({= blank} . halt))
(let ((result -1))
(mod2sum (make-tape 1 1 0 1))
(println "Result:" result)))

Markov chain with 2 states

(include "")
(include "")
; Total number of steps
(define STEPS 1000)
; Number of visits for each state
(define A 0)
(define B 0)
; Stop condition
(define done?
{= STEPS + A B})
; Definiton of the automaton
(define MarkovChain
(qA:P {(set! A (+ A 1))}
(done? accept)
({p 0.3} qA)
({p 0.7} qB))
(qB:P {(set! B (+ B 1))}
(done? reject)
({p 0.2} qB)
({p 0.8} qA))))
; Run automaton
(let ((result (MarkovChain)))
(println "Decision: " (get-decision result)))
; Print results
(let ((pA (* 100.0 (/ A STEPS)))
(pB (* 100.0 (/ B STEPS))))
(println "Visit Percentages: qA: " pA " qB: " pB))

There is a more complex Turing machine example together with a detailed state diagram in the examples directory. The examples here are just for demonstrating the general syntax. Pattern matching macro examples are also available in the examples.


Theory Lisp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Theory Lisp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Theory Lisp. If not, see

Theory Lisp Library License

Theory Lisp Library refers only to the sources with tl extension under src/lib directory.

Theory Lisp Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Theory Lisp Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Theory Lisp Library. If not, see